The Horror Show

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We've got quite the interesting round of reviews for you here at HMS this week.

Two horror comedies, a prequel, a horror romance.... actually it sounds like I'm about to start telling some bad joke. So let me cut straight to the chase.

Insidious Chapter 3 takes us all the way back before the Lambert hauntings and brings a whole new tale of terror to the table. My 2nd review, the Australian horror/dark comedy flick, Housebound, is quite the film, so don't miss that one.

PJ covers Chubbies, an out of this world horror comedy, this one actually sounds kind of cute. Coyote, his other review, is the dark story of a man's descent into madness.

Billy actually reviews a horror romance. Who knew there could even be such a thing? According to him though, it's worth it 100%. Billy's second review is a movie that I personally refuse to watch... Human Centipede 3.

Maria is back this round with a review of Starry Eyes, that one's definitely on my list to be watched. She also covers yet another Bigfoot film with Exists.

Enjoy this round of horror reviews and spread the word on what's hot or not in horror! Follow us on Twitter @HMSounds and make sure to check us out on Facebook!

Stevie Kopas, Managing Editor HMS

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