The Horror Show

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Welcome back to the The Horror Show, folks!

As you can see, the site got a bit of a face lift, so we're hoping you enjoy our new look!

This week we have not one, not two, but three anthology reviews for you guys. Looks like it's a new trend and I sure hope so, I love me a good horror anthology. PJ brings us his reviews of "Fun Size Horror" and "The Horror Network, Volume 1" while Robin delivers on "Holidays."

Maria takes us all the way to Israel with found-footage flick "JeruZalem" and then brings us to werewolf town with the unfortunately mediocre "Uncaged."

Robin's other review this week covers British horror gem "The Lesson." Like most British horror films, this seems like one you're not going to want to miss!

Last but not least, I review Lauren Cohan film, "The Boy." What's not creepy about dolls in horror films? My second review is half first person POV and half found footage film "Pandemic." Don't worry, if my description just then wasn't confusing enough for you, you'll find that the movie is even more confusing.

As always, we hope you enjoy our reviews and we hope you'll follow us on Twitter @HMSounds.

We'd also love some feedback from you! Have any recent release suggestions for us that we haven't covered yet or an idea on how to make The Horror Show even better? Shoot us a message or an email and let us know! Also, if you're a director and want us to review your film, we'd love to! Get in contact with us!

Keep it creepy guys,

Stevie Kopas, Managing Editor HMS

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