The story of Invasion Earth follows a group of addicts who attend therapy to avoid being sent to prison, while a TV journalist goes undercover and joins the group to try and expose this as a scam. However, all of their lives are thrown into chaos by the beginning of an alien invasion.
Invasion Earth is a low budget sci-fi movie ($250,000 per IMDB) that could have been so much more than it was. It starts at an old farm that is supposed to be a rehab facility, but its not a converted farm, its just abandoned — or so it would seem. The building is run down, the “patients” sleep in rusted busses or trailers, and there are no medical personnel or equipment like you would expect for addicts going through a residential rehab program, especially when you plan on isolating someone to detox them. And that’s just the first issue.
You can have cheesy sci-fi or low budget movies and they are entertaining. The key is to use the low budget you have wisely. This production company unfortunately did not. Between the special effects and aliens, it takes a movie that already has plot holes and makes it go from a B movie to a D. I am all for cheesy B movies, but this one was just difficult.
Save yourself a few hours and set this one aside.
HMS received a screener of this film in exchange for honest review. Invasion Earth is available now on demand.
Lisa Forlow, HMS
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