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One Cut of the Dead
by Shinichiro Ueda

I'm going to be honest, I have tried starting this review several times and I don't know how to put into words how I feel after watching this film. I'm stunned. This is probably now in my top five films. I can see why Jay Bauman from Red Letter Media sang its praise. It's a movie you should definitely go into with knowing as little as possible, so this review will be spoiler free.

One Cut of the Dead is a work of art. The basic story is that a director is shooting a zombie movie at an abandoned factory when, suddenly, the set is attacked by real zombies. This film is so full of twists and turns! So many turns you'll feel like a NASCAR driver in a race that never ends. Perpetual left turns forever! That's all I'm going to say.

What I am willing to talk about is the first 37 minutes of this movie. The first 37 minutes were a one cut take. No hidden cuts, no breaks, it took them only six takes to get it perfect. Just six. It's so smooth, impressive, and hard to pull off in a movie that doesn't have to deal with buckets of blood and special effects. I wanted to weep at how perfect it was. They even treat us to a behind the scenes look at the first 37 minutes as the end credits roll. It is so worth sitting through!

I know that this isn't a typical review, I just can't say a whole lot without giving it away. The acting is great, the effects are awesome; this is a top notch film that will leave you feeling so satisfied. Like, everything just falls into place and just fits so perfectly.

One Cut of the Dead is streaming on Shudder. Please do not sleep on this movie. You will regret it.

Robin Thompson, HMS

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