Canadian female rocker Aaron Lee is making her presence known once again with this (in my opinion) bubble gum rock. It’s fun to listen to with songs like "Wanna Be" which has a Taylor Swift feel to it which isn't really a bad thing. But we will get back to that song in just a bit.
First up on the Fire and Gasoline CD is “Tom Boy”. I did watch the video and it was fun to watch if I was maybe 12. Lee Aaron is surrounded by young girls fake playing instruments; kind of a feel good women power tune. Next is the title track “Fire and Gasoline”, kind of rappy lyrics with a driving chorus. I will give this to Lee since she has an amazing voice. The guitar licks are good for this CD. Not real hard core rock n’ roll; it’s more of a feel good popish bubble gummy music trying to make a comeback into the mainstream.
“Wanna Be” is just that with the catchy lyrics that will get the new young rockers of the pre-teen age, male or female, to listen. “Bittersweet” is a nice soft ballad with a bit of an edge to it and can be ranked up with Nelson’s After the Rain. I could go on and on but it will be the same over and over and be a very boring review. Although this is not a bad CD it’s not metal and although it’s considered Rock n’ Roll it’s on the softer rock side or even a POP CD. This whole CD seems to be geared towards a younger generation that hasn't quite found it’s self yet.
Lee Aaron (Karen Lynn Greening) started out in the 80's with some good hard hair metal rock n’ roll. She’s had several albums with Attic Records before venturing off on her own labels; Hip Chick, Spastic Plastic, Barking Dog and now Big Sister Records. Lee has come a long way since the days of old where in March of 1983 she posed topless for OUI magazine (yes a nude magazine) that was something that she says damaged her career and regrets doing. She blames pressure from her management for that poor decision.
Lee Aaron
Fire and Gasoline
(Independent Label Services Inc.)
Written by: Steve Duran
6.5 out of 10
She has had hits back in the day which some might remember as bad-ass tunes with Metal Queen (1984) Whatcha Do To My Body (1989) and Hands On (1990). Lee Aaron is big in Canada, Germany and Sweden and she has been hard at work touring around the world from Japan to Europe. Her transformation from Metal Queen to Tom Boy shows her growth in her music but by far is not the metal queen we used to know. She can be called now the pop rock queen. If you want to slowly introduce your young children to rock n’ roll then this is your album. If you’re into head bopping dancing on your bed music this is for you.
For me and my review of this CD from Lee Aaron I only have this to say If you want to jump on your bed and sing into a hair brush and play the air guitar by all means grab this CD and close the door crank up the tunes and have a blast being 12 all over again.
Thank you very much for listening ... Peace.
Steve Duran, HMS
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