Torture Tunes



Thunder and Steel is the 4th album from this power metal band from Europe. This is borderline thrash at its finest. In a word: "Heavy" describes every song - serious groove drumming (and killer double-kick action), mean vocals, deep in-the-pocket bass and the twin guitar battles throughout. And speaking of "battle", that's what this record is all about.

"Thunder and Steel", "Metal Avenger”, ”Sacred Blade”, “Ironborn” and “Steel Crusader" are songs that make watching NASCAR more involving. These songs of power, strength, warriors, and the thrill of victory, metal and steel put you in the driver's seat. So hang on! "Fyres in the Nighte” is a reminder of a good metal tune from the 1980's. "Die by the Hammer" sounds like Thor wrote the lyrics after winning an epic battle. It's a little over four-and-a-half minutes long but it goes by so fast that you want more of the song. "Child of Fyre" changes of tempo of things and is a kind break from the heaviness.

Then we have my personal favorite "One will Survive" and this one is arranged different from the rest. The chorus flows smooth and feel and presence makes it a song for champions. "Servants of Metal" closes out this book of battles and victories and it’s a tale that tells us that the ancients were slaves to their swords and armor.

In a nut shell, I like how Storm Warrior holds on to classic metal song-writing. Everything down to repeating the title of the song in the chorus 20 times like Back in Black....but it rocks ! Strong points are the guitar solos and the song "One will Survive". The downside is the bass is buried in the mix and every other songs title is metal, iron or steel. But if you like song of tales of yore and forgotten lore in the same vein as Amon Amarth, this record is for you. I give it a 7, but I give "One will Survive" a 9.

These guys are hard to find but you can find some on amazon and paypal through a link on their site.

Tim Duran, HMS

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