

by Nicolás López

In a typical Eli Roth production of "travel abroad" horror fashion, Aftershock thrusts us into the South American party world. We meet "Gringo" and his two Chilean travel companions, Pollo and Ariel. As usual, these dudes are simply looking for a good time, trying to talk to girls and end up in really bad circumstances.

The movie doesn't pick up for about 30 minutes, so be warned, you have to sit through bros desperately trying to pick up chicks and once they finally do, you have to sit through the "let's have fun and take tons of pictures and dance and post to Facebook" montage.

But anyway, back to the girls that our trio of dudes finally meet. We have the American party-girl named Kylie, her protective half-sister Monica, and their Russian friend Irina. Together, our newly formed group of six ventures to Valparaiso to experience the best party of their boring lives. In the heat of the moment, an earthquake strikes and delivers non-stop death and destruction. A nearby prison is gutted and all the criminals escape, making the earthquake laden Valparaiso the worst place possible. Imagine tsunami sirens blaring, bloodied people running frantically all around you, horrifying aftershocks, catastrophe lurking around every corner…

Aftershock delivers some serious and fun gore.

I didn't expect a million dollar budget of a film out of Aftershock. I love anything that Eli Roth attaches his name to, and I think he is aware that people feel this way. There is a total B-Movie feel to this film, the characters are fun and the acting is surprisingly great. The ending is super predictable but quite possible my favorite part.

If you love watching tourists get ripped apart in terrifying ways, please check out Aftershock. It's a fun film for a rainy day or to watch with a group of friends while you enjoy some beers.

Stevie Kopas, HMS

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Nicolás López


Nicolás López, Eli Roth, & Guillermo Amoedo

Cast & Crew



About the reviewer:

Stevie Kopas was raised on a healthy mix of good music, horror culture, and post‑apocalyptic media. Stevie is a caffeine addict, an avid gamer, and yes – she thinks Xbox is better than Playstation. Stevie is also the author of The Breadwinner Trilogy, the Amazon bestselling Dystopian series and she has written several short, horror stories for the charity horror anthology At Hell’s Gates. Stevie enjoys talking all things horror and being internet stalked on Twitter (X) @ApacoTaco, Facebook or through email at typeitordie@gmail.com. Be sure to check out her official site at www.someonereadthis.com