Horror Metal Sounds is the place to be. It is your one stop for all your horror and heavy metal needs, and we aim to bring you the best reviews, interviews, opinion pieces and artist galleries all in the name of honoring those who love horror and metal.
We have been around since the fall of 2013 and I must say it’s been a wild ride along the way. This site is dedicated to reaching out to all you gorehounds and metalheads and we will continue to bring you the best coverage possible.
Moving forward, we will definitely be looking for passionate writers, and if interested in being a viable member of the team write to us at horrormetalsounds@gmail.com.
You can read more horror-metal content on our blog.
Keep up on all things horror and metal by following us on Facebook.
Be sure to stay tuned for upcoming HMS video content on our YouTube channel.
Kenneth Gallant, Editor HMS