You Might Be The Killer

You Might Be The Killer

by Brett Simmons

I'm late to the party on this film as apparently there was a ton of buzz about it. I guess with the back half of 2018 being as chaotic as it was for me it makes sense as I missed a lot of great horror I should have been watching right off the bat. You Might Be The Killer is a silly, fun ride and I'm glad I finally got around to checking it out. Most SyFy films take themselves far too seriously, but with this one, it's a tried and true horror comedy filled with campiness, clichés, and bloody good times.

A throwback to the horror films of old, YMBTK is about a young man who calls his best friend for advice during a massacre at a summer camp. Through reliving the horrors via phone call, our main character, Sam (Fran Kranz), and his bff, Chuck (Alyson Hannigan), conclude that Sam just might be the killer he's trying to evade.

The practical effects are executed fantastically, and the kill scenes are whacky and fun. They're heavy on the blood and impracticality and that's alright by me. Not only do you get a healthy dose of tropes and hack and slash, but you also get a fun, supernatural story and even possession that ties everything together. Set in Louisiana, of course Voodoo had to be involved in some way, right? There are a lot of enjoyable elements that fit together neatly and an ending "final girl" that stands out in a great way.

In this movie the protagonists are the antagonists and vice versa with great one liners and dialogue. If you're looking for some fun horror that makes fun of your horror, definitely give You Might Be The Killer a chance!

Stevie Kopas, HMS

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Brett Simmons


Thomas P. Vitale, Covis Berzoyne & Brett Simmons

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About the reviewer:

Stevie Kopas was raised on a healthy mix of good music, horror culture, and post‑apocalyptic media. Stevie is a caffeine addict, an avid gamer, and yes – she thinks Xbox is better than Playstation. Stevie is also the author of The Breadwinner Trilogy, the Amazon bestselling Dystopian series and she has written several short, horror stories for the charity horror anthology At Hell’s Gates. Stevie enjoys talking all things horror and being internet stalked on Twitter (X) @ApacoTaco, Facebook or through email at typeitordie@gmail.com. Be sure to check out her official site at www.someonereadthis.com