Torture Tunes



This album is my first acquaintance with Behemoth and I find myself asking “why”? If they have an album better than this in their back catalogue then I must have it now. From the brooding menace of “Blow your trumpets Gabriel” to “O Father O Satan O Sun!” I found myself hooked and intrigued by the overall grandeur and majesty of it all.

All this delivered by a band fronted by Nergal who is currently a judge on Poland’s version of the Voice. The production is awesome without being too polished and the musicianship is outstanding. There are blast beats and slower parts to this album giving it a great all round feel that steers the listener away from comfort or boredom. “Messe Noir” brings a slower more brooding feel to the album building nicely to the aggression of “Amen” two songs later.

I could mention each song and all the qualities, but I don’t think I have enough time to do justice to this album through words alone. This album is an audio treat so let your ears enjoy it, allow yourself to be drawn into it like I was. This is a Black Metal album though so if you are expecting a Death Metal album then you will be shocked. I won’t say disappointed because this album is immense and I can’t recommend enough that people give it a listen. It cost me £12.00 and I don’t regret spending it. This album will be on my iPod playing for a long time to come. Why only 9.5? Because, it ended.

Meathook Mike, HMS

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