Cerebral Scar
Follow the Liar (EP)
1054 Records
Released: 4/5/2024
This is a really big deal to me. The brand new album from UK metalcore/thrashers Cerebral Scar is finally released and it will give everyone the opportunity to hear the new vocalist. Of course I am talking about Meathook Mike who joined the band in 2021. Some of you may know that Mike was the guitarist and vocalist for Meat Train until they disbanded in 2022. I was really into them and although I was bummed to find out they split‑up, it just meant the door was open for new opportunities.
I've known Mike for more than a decade and reviewed past Meat Train albums; plus hired Mike to write for Horror Metal Sounds. He's a good bloke and I am elated he landed back on his feet as the vocalist for Cerebral Scar.
With Mark Fieldhouse exiting the band, Mike comes in with a fresh perspective and brings a monstrous set of pipes along for the ride. There's four songs on this new EP and I must say the deep guttural take no prisoners approach to vocals fits here like a well worn glove.
First up is "All Seeing Eye" and it just rips from the start. There's not much groove, but the chug is upfront hard and is music to my ears. I love how it slows down halfway and the infectious chorus drives home the point. We are definitely off to a wonderful start. The next track "Sell the Dream" continues down the same path with meaty guitars from the duo of Lee Mason and Rhys Kelly (both founding members). Mike digs down deep for some snarly vocals and really helps to put the exclamation point on this one.
There's tons of groovy swagger on "Crucify the Saviour" and it's arguably my favourite track here. The song attacks Christianity and the lyrics really bring this point home rather emphatically. Again, it just rips hard and it's a total face‑melter. The final track is called "Follow the Liar" and it picks up a thrashy groove and just runs with it. Again, I love the lyrics and the line "Internet Messiah" gets shouted out repeatedly. There's even a tasty riff that contributes to the mayhem and Mike's vocals continue to roar like he's standing in the deepest pits of hell. It's a great song to end off.
I liked this EP quite a bit. The music is thrashy, devastating and driven hard by the guitars. Lee and Rhys are both seasoned musicians and can deliver the goods. Rounding out the line‑up is C.J. Porter on bass and Stu Songhurst (ex Meat Train drummer), plus you get the colossal pipes of Meathook Mike who brings a new dimension to the table.
Cerenral Scar are poised to bring the new music to the masses, and with this new line-up in tow, the touring circuit will be lit on fire. If you want to hear this juggernaut live, then I suggest you do so and really get out there in the moshpits to let it rip.
Kenneth Gallant, HMS