Children of Bodom
A Chapter Called Children of Bodom
The Final Show in Helsinki Ice Hall 2019
Spinefarm Records
Released 12/15/2023
This is my first real introduction to Children Of Bodom and I must say what an introduction it is. I had heard little snippets here and there of this band but I must have been otherwise preoccupied to listen further. I wish I had of course, but better late than never.
This is a recording of the final gig by COB and what a gig it must have been, the band are on top form here, tight energetic and deliver a powerhouse of a set. I won't go into what song from what album here as I really am not qualified to do so, I will however offer a review of a completely impartial first time listener to this band. I can honestly say I didn't really expect to have such a great introduction to this band, I of course have known that Alexi Laiho is a guitarist/vocalist held in high esteem by so many metal fans out there, and I really can't disagree; his playing on this album really blew me away.
They say that COB are a melodic death metal band but I found them to be much more than that, they blend several styles together to a great standard and I love the fact that they are a one guitar band and utilize keyboards so well into the songs giving the band an edge I didn't expect. Enough now and on with the review. "Under Grass And Clover" and "Platitudes And Barren Words" launch this album into your ears and assault them with a raw aggression and this aforementioned keyboards really are just as in your face as the guitar.
It was "In Your Face" that really grabbed me by the throat though and from here on in I really got what COB were about, aggressive in your face metal laden with melodies and catchy choruses delivered with precision and of course Alexi also had a great voice to deliver the words with. The whole band are highly skilled masters of their respective instruments and coupled with the majestic Laiho deliver a flawless set comprised of what I can only assume, is a collection of their greatest hits. I love live albums as they are usually made up from a collection of the bands greatest hits (?) Fan favourites and songs that the band have a deep love of that may not necessarily be fan favourites. "Shovel Knockout" follows on and showcases some great guitar and keyboard work. "Every Time I Die" with it's melodic intro and driven vocals catch the ears with it's melodic driven structures and some more of that fantastic lead guitar work interspersed with keyboard leads. Blastbeats pummel "Halo Of Blood" into your head with it's Black Metal style of vocals driving it along ferociously. "Are You Dead Yet?" with it's heavy but melodic intro is a song that earworms it's way into your head blending elements of black, thrash and power metal effortlessly.
"Blooddrunk" follows with some great riffing. "Angels Don't Kill" is a song I really enjoyed with an irresistible groove to the main riff. The album made up of 18 songs from the bands career really is great representation of a truly talented and creative force, I shall be sure to check out their back catalogue. The album closes with "Downfall" before Mr Laiho declares "Thank you so F**cking much you guys kicked ass, Love you all" They loved you too Mr Laiho, Rest in Peace in the knowledge that you left a great musical legacy certain to be enjoyed by many in the future including new fans like myself. So in short if you're already a COB fan then you'll love this album and if you're not it's my opinion that you should at least listen to this. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised with a band that effortlessly blends thrash, death, black and power metal with power and melody.
Meathook Mike, HMS