Torture Tunes



Iced Earth can easily be regarded as one of the most influential metal bands to ever enter the scene. Since their first release in the early 90's, the band has managed to steadily release records that didn’t just rehash old material. Each album managed to be a form of progression and you could really see Jon Schaffer's vision mature with each new release.

It's hard to judge the band’s work as a whole, mainly because the lineup of Iced Earth has changed so frequently which often tweaked or altered the sound on each album. The newest entry into the Iced Earth catalogue is entitled Plagues of Babylon, and is the second album to feature new vocalist Stu Block. Block replaced Tim “Ripper” Owens and Matt Barlow after both “Something Wicked” albums.

Plagues of Babylon follows the formula of Dystopia and continues in the same style, with Block's soaring vocals sounding incredible alongside the instrumental genius of Schaffer, Seele, Appleton, and Saini. It's a pretty bold statement, but I believe that Plagues Of Babylon is Iced Earth's best album of all time, a feat not often accomplished by bands with an release history as extensive as Iced Earth's. Instead of fizzling out, Iced Earth managed to build on past albums and bring everything together for this album that I can only describe as epic. I found it particularly hard to pick a stand out track on the album because there wasn't one I disliked, but “Among the Living Dead”, “Cthulhu”, and the titular track “Plagues of Babylon” were the ones I had on repeat the most.

Another note that deserves praise is the albums killer artwork done by Eliran Kantor. Iced Earth has had a history of great album art that could rival that of Iron Maiden, which is saying a lot because Maiden's art is something of legend. The whole feel of Plagues of Babylon is just a huge throwback to traditional metal roots; something I feel is often lost on modern releases. Plagues of Babylon is the album that will fill that traditional metal void I feel has been vacant for a little while and will do so in strides. Do yourself a favour and listen to this album, you won't be sorry.

Dave Edwards, HMS

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