Torture Tunes



Having had this album for a couple of weeks now and listening to it a few times, I can say this is a fine debut album from this young Danish band. It certainly has an old school feel about it both in song writing and production. They state that Sepultura are amongst their influences and the mighty Seps influence can be heard on this album.

The sound reminds me of Troops of doom era. The track “Peoples Hate” kicks the album off with an old school feel but it isn’t until track 3, “Voices of Deception” that I started to get a feel for this band. I liked the structure of this song and I hope the band build upon the ability they clearly have with regard to the song writing and structure. There are plenty of Death Metal “trilled” riffs and slower beat downs that are typical of the thrash genre. “My World” has a very Sepultura feel to it, the intro not to dissimilar to Under Siege and then builds nicely to a mid tempo song from there. “Systematically Murdered” has a good feel to it and some death blast beats in there. “Echoes of Pain” closes the album nicely with pace and urgency.

So all in all not a bad debut effort that offers glimpses of a bright future for this band. So I would say this album leans more towards Thrash metal than it does Death, but there are traces of death metal influence in this album.

Meathook Mike, HMS

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