Now I like Decapitated, but when this CD arrived I noticed a date of 2011 on the back so I wondered if this was recorded back then and the release was delayed or this was a re-release. I noted (VIA THE INTERNET) that this was released in North America in 2011. So I don’t know whether this is the brand new album or a rehash. Whatever though, this is a very good album. After listening to it a couple of times I listened to their back catalogue and this album has a different feel to it (new members et al ) but it still has that Decapitated feel to it. The trademark riffs, aggression etc. I particularly like the guitar sound as it is raw and brings Vogg’s playing to attention you can almost feel the aggression in his playing. I saw Decapitated in London a few weeks ago opening for Lamb Of God and they were good. The Dimebag influence is obvious in Vogg’s playing and riffing (and that is not a criticism because Dime’s a legend).
“The Knife” is a great opener and the album builds from there. Staccato riffs and immense musicianship make this album a worthwhile purchase anyway. The Title track is a song that demonstrates the textures of music from clean to dirty and precision playing. “Homo Sum” and “404” are both heavy and technical tracks and the Dimebag influence is very much to the forefront of these songs. Whilst “A View from a Hole” has a Jazzy style intro before the big chords and melody kicks in. “Pest” though is definitely my favourite song on this album with its precise riffing and it really gets into your face. Rasta’s vocals are also worth a mention as they are both deep and clear within the music. The closer “Silence” is a very well played clean piece which did after a couple of minutes make me skip the song. We all know Vogg can play and maybe this is a leaning to his softer side, but I just wish the album closed with something leaving me screaming for a new Decapitated album instead of skipping this song. So Decapitated fans out there this is a good album, slightly different maybe, but still good.
I did listen to Organic Hallucinosis, Nihility and the Negation after hearing this album as this does differ from the Decapitated sound of these albums, but never the less it is still worth a purchase. There are still blast beats and great riffs, and I did really get into it so Decapitated fans out there this is a good album, slightly different maybe, but still good.
Meathook Mike, HMS
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