A fresh new sound is speeding its way through my headphones. Riffs like gales ebb and flow, rhythms pound like angry waves against a broken shore and vocals sail at Godspeed. You are on the vessel Gloryful. The captain and crew will guide you on this three hour tour (give or take... either way, it's a trip!).
We begin the soulful sound of the ocean before the crushing riff of "Hiring the Dead" kicks in. "E Mare, E Libertad" and "Ocean Blade" will swab the deck with your face while the Norwegian sing-song style of "The Master's Hands" leave you swaying with the tide. A maelstrom of heaviness spins you with "Cradle of Heroes" and a little Irish flavor in "Black Legacy" slows the mood for the moment. Then back to the rage in "All men to the Arms" to fallow the Captain's orders with "McGuerkin on the Bridge". "Siren Song" is the last real song. It's heavy and beefy and if you put your ear to the speaker, you can almost hear the ocean! Oh, wait - that's just the very last number "Ocean Legacy" (that's all you hear...the ocean).
All in all, a very good listen and a very good record by a band that's sure to make waves in the metal scene. Downside is I'm not crazy about "Ocean Legacy". I guess I was waiting for another tune like "McGuerkin" or "Ocean Blade". Upside are tracks 1-9. New metal with a classic sound and that means LOTS OF GUITAR SOLOS, mate! We old farts love the solos!
I give the crew of Gloryful on their second voyage "Ocean Blade" a walloping 9! Now go get the record! Find it on amazon.com ( and get Warrior's Code" while you still can. They only have a few left.)
Tim Duran, HMS
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