Where's my hairspray!!?? I gotta’ say that listening to X-Drive is like listening to the good 'ol sleeze bands of the '80's. You get a little Faster Pussycat, Bullet Boys and some Danger Danger, plus the record cover reminds me of the Great White albums (they always had the lookers!). Out of the box and in the player, these guys punch you with a reality check the hard way. "Love's a Bitch" holds nothing back in telling you just what love is. Next, movin' on to a couple of rockin' tunes in "Get Your Rock On" and "Steppin' on the Rock" - the first will get ya movin' and the latter will get ya groovin'!
"Baby, Bye,Bye" is a nice, typical ballad ala Poison, and "California" gives a GNR "Patience" feel (So far,so good...). More of that sleeze groove in "Lay me Down". I like how the bass cuts through in this one; Ultra-groovy. "Turn the Noize Down" is my instant classic. You got all this crap that the media and fools are shoving down our throats that ya just want it all to STOP! This is my anthem and my theme song to my life's t.v. show! (sans the cursing, I would sing this song in church!)
Slowing things down again for another ballad is "Fly Beyond the Angels". This one's good for that picnic at the park while you suck face with your girl. Alright, back with more up tempo looseness. "Rattlesnake Eyes" and "Just Can't Stay" will help you put that led foot to work when you drive to these tunes. "Change of Heart" slows it down again, but in a good way. The all-acoustic arrangement is warm and inviting. It's songs like these that you play around the bonfire. And if you're at home, a small glass of whiskey and a cigar as ya lean back outside and look at the stars (dude...I'm so there!).
Ending the record is a groovy little ditty with another killer bass line. "Love breaks the Fool" will have you doin' the serpentine all over the house! Just don't get caught by your neighbor or the kids. This is a neat album and it takes me back to my school daze. Chalk full of raunchy guitar, soulful vocals, pocket drums and groovy bass. I can’t get enough of X-Drive's "Get Your Rock On".
Downside is not much. A lot of slow songs, but hair metal had a lot of that anyway. Upside is how much fun it was to listen to! Every song is relatable and groovy. I'm using the word "groovy a lot, huh? Well when you hear this record, you might agree with why I am.
X-Drive gets an IX from me... (that's a 9 in English).
Tim Duran, HMS
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