The Best Articles in Horror and Metal live here!
In the depths of his necropolis, you'll find our gruesome mascot, Dead Meat, penning his latest entry about the curious realm where metal and horror intersect. Read onward to discover more about the little known world of "Metalsploitation", both in film, music, and art in general.
Dead Meat presents...
1987: The year of Horror
The AC/DC - Stephen King Connection
Alice Cooper's Horrific 80's Incarnation
The Anthrax/Horror Film Connection
Horror Metal Flashbacks, Episode 2: Anthrax
Lemmy: The true King of Kings
Phil Mucci: An interview from 2013
Snake Plissken Lives!
Three of a Horrific Pair
To Mega Therion's Master
A Tribute to Oderus Urungus
The Danzig/Crystar Connection
Trick Or Treat, 1986